
A new kymair generation process

Here comes a whole new kymair...
Alright, I started a new blog to write down the process of self-revolution, it will also be a good place for me to practise my english writing.

To be honest, my time wasn't wasted much, however there's way too many things I've concerned about. From now on, I should learn to ignore these issues which are not that important or critical. Wide range of interests, good, but at least I should find one career can be devoted to for lifetime.

My biggest weak point would definitely be lack of persistance. Easily get famliar with something new, but cannot dive into afterwards. I can hardly recall how many things I'd been interested in before, maybe..everything??? Surfing on the wikipedia randomly is a little hobby of me, Click some entries, then jump from here to there. Friends like talking with me, that is because I can bring some new topics, and it is always me who leads the conversation. But when can I make them realize that "huh, he is more than a talker"? Probably it's a long way to go.
